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lockdown and remote working - what have we learnt?

Now that it appears that we’re coming out of lock-down, it’ll be interesting to see what the ‘new normal’ will be - will flexible working stick around?

As for Convergence, in terms of comms, nothing much changed. Yes, we were all (and continue to be) working from home but all of our team members have been using the same devices as when we’re in the office. Yes, the seat and the environment has changed (and the commute to work isn’t as long!), but the ethos hasn’t. I for one, am using my Surface Pro and my iPhone. I’m making and receiving calls like before and managing remote teams. My direct dial works and rings in the same place as it did before.

That is the beauty of the tech that we can deliver. It enables you and remote workers to work and be productive from anywhere. Geography is no longer a thing. Working from the office full time is no longer normal. Our new normal working day is being able to connect with our team and our clients from anywhere. With a remote company, we can access our ‘information’ from anywhere. We can work effectively from anywhere. And you can too.

In the industry, we call it agile working or remote working. And what’s more, it can be a completely seamless transition. You can be; in the office; at home; on the move or even abroad. Nothing changes. Continuity is guaranteed.

So, what will the new normal be? 
Lockdown has shown us all the benefits of remote working. We will be utilising video calls more frequently - meaning less face to face meetings. We’ll be more efficient. We’ll be more cost effective. Our overheads will be lower and even the environment will benefit. Lockdown has opened up the World to video and what it can achieve. And as a business, if you combine video and telephony onto the one platform, you’re reducing the number of cost centres in your business which ultimately means, you’ll save money.

The World has changed forever. And if you haven’t done so already, you can change too. You can evolve. Your business can evolve. You can be better.