Celebrating 20 years
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the grass is not always greener!

With every word in the dictionary at our disposal, it sometimes shows a lack of imagination to use a simple metaphor. But sometimes, it best describes a scenario.

Just recently, we lost two clients as their heads were turned by another provider offering to deliver the World. A slick sales pitch and a ‘once in a lifetime price’ was enough. And despite being happy with Convergence, they decided it was time to try someone new.

After less than a month, both clients were back on the phone asking if we can ‘take them back’. Their experience didn’t quite live up to the expectations. In fact, it did everything but. Therefore (as we often do), we have moved them back onto our platform and in both cases, upgraded them into some new technology.

We do a decent job and we certainly care about our clients. And, there is a lot to be said about that.

But, we’re also realists.

As a business owner, of course you’re going to ‘dip your toe in’ to see what else is out there but in most cases, the grass is almost certainly not greener. Our team are fantastic and they’re work ethic and conscientiousness is what sets them apart. I often tell my team to go home of an evening and not think about work. Switch off. Have a glass of wine or take the dog for a walk and don’t think about anything else (well, certainly nothing work related). But often, I hear ‘I was thinking about that challenge with have with that customer and I think I have a solution’. And although it frustrates the hell out of me, I kind of love it.

So, if there is one thing you take from this, if your provider is doing a good job and they care about your business, don’t even contemplate moving away because it most cases, you’ll regret it.